Hi. I am back again. I would like to thank you all for your comments. Am grateful.
I used to have a blog and a website before but something happened so I had to abandon the website. The host could not solve my site's technical issues and the site had a bad look. I did not like it and they could not solve the problem after several complaints. That was why I abandoned the site and the host.
What Is Blog Engagement?
Blog engagement is the way an audience interacts with the post, newsletter or the blog's content. They interact by making comments, subscribing or by sharing the content.
They interact if they find your content satisfying, invaluable and if your content is an eye opener. I will explain the tips that can increase your blog's engagements. These tips will also help you to retain and increase your audience.
If you need Professional help on how to write great and valuable contents or you need a professional to help you beautify your site, visit derinayeni.com/services
9 Tips To Increase Blog's Engagement
1 Write Awesome Blog Posts -- Write awesome blog posts and be friendly. Your audience will keep coming back for more.
How to write awesome posts --
a Invest in yourself and get more knowledge. Join groups, buy ebooks, meet Consultants etc I am now a Consultant and my service is free. Send emails to me at ayeniderin@gmail.com or ask through the Comments section, I will be glad to help.
2 Be Original -- Write original content. You can do this by reading various blog contents that revolve round your niche. When you want to write your own content or post, look for a particular title and Google it out on the Internet.
Go through few websites, read free ebooks on that title and add your own ideas and write in your own words. Do not copy another blogger but you can learn from other bloggers and write in your own words.
3 Be Consistent -- Blog everyday. Take blogging as a real job and blog everyday. Just like you go to office everyday. Just like a Company opens everyday.
If you are consistently writing an invaluable content everyday, your audience will share your content on social media and even with their friends. You will be able to retain your audience and you will also get more audience.
4 Write Content Few Or No One Has Written -- Look for a title or content very few people have written.
5 Make Your Blog Beautiful -- Your blog should look beautiful. Check your paragraph spacing, your capital letters and do not bombard your blog with ads.
Choose nice themes for your blog or website. I checked out one blog today and I did not even wait to read the content because the content was in a terrible state. It might even be the fault of the host from experience. Please choose your host carefully.
6 Make Your Posts Easily Understood -- Write simple and short sentences. Let people understand your posts or contents. Do not write very very long posts. People normally get tired of reading a very very long post.
7 Be Social -- Be nice, friendly and respectful. Ask questions and respond to comments. Ensure you have a share button on your blog.
8 Write Comments On Other Blogs - Someone told me that I visited his blog and commented on his blog and he also returned the favour.
9 Remember Your Email List Subscription Form -- Male sure you have an opt in form on top or below each post.
If you have questions, You can ask through the comments section.
Have a nice day. I wish you success
Derin Ayeni
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