Hi. How are you doing? My name is Derin Ayeni. I don't know whether you have experienced this before but I have. As a blogger, you may have written many epic contents with low or 0% conversion rate
You may wonder why this is happening. Don't be frustrated and do not fret. It happens and it also happened to me too.
When you think you have done everything you are supposed to do like being influential, being friendly, selling your own products and your blog also has traffic and yet you still have low or no conversion rate.
When you blog right, what you expect is that your readers problems should be solved to an extent and that they should buy from you the complete solution package but instead you have low or no sales at all
When this happens, the thought that crosses your mind is ' why are they not buying?"
For One on One Mentorship on how to make sales happen fast or if you need someone to beautify your site for you and to guide you on how to write great contents, visit derinayeni.com/services
I will show you how your blog readers can turn into your customers.
9 Ways To Convert Blog Readers Into Buyers
1 Solve Problems To An Extent -- Do not solve readers or subscribers problem completely. If you do, then nobody will buy your products or pay for your service and therefore no conversion.
Post contents that will solve readers problems to an extent and offer your product as the complete solution.
2 Include Relevant Links -- Include relevant links in case of a sponsored post or relevant affiliate links. As an influencer who has done thorough research on the product, you can highly recommend the product to your audience.
3 Reach Out-- Reach out to your email subscribers and commenters. Read your comments regularly because some readers ask questions in the comments section and want to buy from you or through your links.
One of my readers actually wanted me to mentor him. I read his comment when I was going through all the comments I had.
Reach out to your email subscribers and commenters on time because they might go elsewhere if you don't.
4 Advertise Regularly -- Advertise regularly for steady and reasonable traffic. If you have 50 or even 100 readers daily, you can still make money.
If you write valuable contents, your audience will invite more people to your blog. You need to have steady traffic in order to convert the traffic into buyers
Use Youtube, Facebook or Tiktok. Facebook ads is the cheapest so far. Just make sure you obey their rules and policies because Facebook ads team love disapproving ads a lot.
Before you write your own ad copy, check other approved ads in Facebook or the ones you have come across to know more about what Facebook ad should look like. Read the ads. It will help you in writing your own ad copy.
5 Be Bold With Your CTA's-- Be bold with your call to action. You may not be able to convert your readers if you don't do this.
This includes a free eBook sign up form, sign up for free trials, buy product now at $5. It will return back to original amount in 2 hours time and so on.
I just remembered I bought a product online. I actually bought it because I needed it and it was free and I only paid transportation fee.
They wrote the number of people who had bought the product so far, so I just bought my own. The transportation fee was cheap
6 Be Careful The Way You Promote -- Be careful the way you promote. Do not focus on your product or affiliate product.
Focus on the needs of your readers. Try and solve their problems and let your product be the final solution. Just be natural and let your words flow. Don't be pushy and don't sound desperate.
Your readers would love to buy from you if they respect and trust you. This can't happen overnight. It will take some time to build relationships with your readers. Yes, its about building relationships.
So don't fret if you don't have sales now. Continue writing epic contents and continue solving problems. You will soon get there.
7 Use In- Content Testimonials -- When writing your content, as your content unfolds, use in-content testimonials.
You can refer positively to one of the people that bought from you depending on what the content is about.
You can include written testimonials and pictures so that your readers will have more confidence in you.
Please include very few, few is enough.
8 Reduce Distractions -- Reduce distractions. When writing your content don't go off point. Do not paint your blog with posters everywhere. Readers come to read not to see posters. Instead use few links in your contents.
9 Be Friendly -- When you are friendly, you enjoy solving problems and you enjoy what you do, you will definitely bring out positive emotions in people. You might even help your readers to unwind after a stressful day.
One of my commenters told me that he didn't mind donating to my blog. He said he would have done that if I had a donate button.
My point here is that when you are friendly and caring, you will definitely convert your readers.
Actually, building relationships take time. So don't be frustrated, keep on blogging and it will definitely happen.
Like I used to say, you can always think outside the box. Check some sites with free trials and other CTAs, wow, they are really making it. I normally go for free trials and actually buy the one I need.
This means the product you are promoting must be highly needed.
Highly needed products + the above = Great Conversion
Have a great week
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