Hi. My name is Derin Ayeni. I am a Blogging Coach.
Blogging is really interesting and I love blogging. Not because of the money, I just love blogging. Besides you can make lots of money online. Do you know that a lot of people are looking for jobs online?
If you could locate them, solve their problems for them, you will be happy and you will also make lots of money. They too will be satisfied because you solved their problems.
You can also make money helping other bloggers too. All you have to do is identify their problems and provide solution to their problems. You have to do your research through their comments and with the use of Google analytics.
So you must not give up. If you need help, you can contact me through my email increaseincomefast@gmail.com
When I started blogging, I failed so many times. I even gave up even though i paid for an online blogging program but no coach was provided.
After a few years, I continued blogging again, later gave up again and finally stood tall never to give up again. All the amazing comments also motivated me.
Thank you for your comments. If I had a coach, I believe I would have made it a long time ago.
I later discovered that I blogged the wrong way and expected good results. Before a blogger can make millions online, you need to be influential and also have lots of traffic.
7 Reasons Why You Must Never Give Up Blogging
1 Your Readers Want More Posts -- If you have been posting valuable posts, you may not know this but your readers and subscribers are expecting you to publish more posts.
They want more from you. They respect you and are ready to support you.
If you need Professional help on how to write great and valuable contents or you need a professional to help you beautify your site, visit derinayeni.com/services
2 There Is No Business Without Risk -- There is no business that does not involve risk. You will have to invest your resources and time not knowing whether you will make money or not.
You just need to do it, try different strategies and stick with the one that works. Never give up.
3 Your Hard Work Will Soon Pay Off -- Your hard work will soon pay off. Your blog will show up on search engine's result if you keep on posting regularly.
Remember your posts must consist of at least 2000 words or above. You should consistently promote your blog too. You can use Facebook ads. Facebook ads are effective and cheap.
4 You Have Bills To Pay - Remember that you have bills to pay. Never give up. Think about your family. Reach out to other bloggers, connect with them and help one another out.
5 Use Sponsored Post Or Guest Post -- You can have lots of traffic through sponsored post or guest blogging. If you reach out to an influential blogger, you know you will have to pay.
If you guest post or blog on a co blogger's blog of the same niche, traffic will be directed to your blog from the cobloggers blog. The only way to do this free is to guest post on his and he too guest posts on yours.
6 Journey Of A Thousand Miles -- I know you know this, journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Take the right steps and you will gradually make it. To make your journey shorter, seek the service of a coach
7 You Must Not Give Up Because Of The Money -- Think of the money you would still make.
Think of your dream house, your dream car, vacation and so on. Imagine yourself making millions of dollars online, imagine. Never give up blogging.
Blogging involves hard work just like other businesses. Never give up. Connect with other bloggers. Seek advice from a blogging coach. I am a blogging coach and my fee is affordable.
Have a great week
My previous posts
9 Marketing Strategies That Will Boost Sales
9 Tips To Increase Blog's Engagement
5 Ways To Blog Right And Make Money
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