Hi How are you doing? I believe you are my friends and I believe in you.
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I would like you to partner with me at derinayeni.com where i counsel people who are depressed for free and they feel much better.
I have started counselling successfully but I discovered a lot of them are depressed because of poverty. The poverty rate in my country is too high. More than 40% of the whole population live in Poverty.
I think we can support two different people monthly by giving them money to start a Business and I will need your support. Your gift of $1 or more monthly will help families monthly. I intend to choose two different individuals monthly based on some requirements.
Help me save lives with your gift of $1. Kindly pay to Skrill.com Pay by email to derinayeni.com You can reach me at increaseincomefast@gmail.com
Business Plan
Goal - To provide free Counselling for the Depressed
How To Achieve - Use of Website and free live chat
Second Goal - To Support Two Different People Monthly By Giving Them Money To Start A Business
How To Achieve - Fundraising
Please help me save lives with your gift of $1 or more monthly. I will offer you:
1 A free Blog Audit which includes Content Audit.
2 I will teach you how to write unique articles or contents
3 Your Name, your URL and Company logo will be on the partner"s page of my Website derinayeni.com
Now let me talk about the 10 ways of raising fund for your new online business. I know that you need fund or more fund for your new Business.
Raising fund may not be easy but there are different ways to raise the fund. You need enough fund because you will need money for the website hosting, an app, staff, Marketing and Publicity and so on.
Marketing and Publicity includes the online method and offline method.
The Offline Publicity includes
1 Regular use of Tv and Radio Commercials to publicise your Business
2 Use of Magazines or Press Releases
3 Making of Business cards, postals and flyers
4 Use of official cars, t- shirts and face caps with your Company name and URL on them
and so on
The Online Marketing And Publicity includes:
1 Investing in a continuous Google or Facebook Advert. Stick with the one that works.
2 Investing In Reviews - I discussed this in one of my contents.
3 Investing in Sponsored post whether on Websites or Social Media
4 Placing of advert on a popular Website or blog with great number of traffic whose niche is closely related to yours.
5 Paying Influencers or YouTube Influencers to talk about your products or services and refer people to your website
The amount of cash you have will determine the one you will go for and you can decide to use two or three methods of online publicity.
Online advertisement is compulsory and it should be continuous.
People believe in reviews more than what you say about your products or services. Majority of people will read reviews about your products or services before they can buy from you. So reviews are very important if you are to make sales.
10 Ways To Fund Your New Online Business
1 Crowdfunding - Crowd funding is a way of funding a Business by raising small amount of money from a large number of people from all over the world through the internet. One of the Websites offering this is kickstarter.com
One of their requirements is that your Company must be registered legally in your country.
2 Networking - Networking is a way of getting help. When you meet your friends or fellow bloggers, you can help one another by writing reviews of one another's products or services on each others blog. This does not involve money.
You can also exchange ads too by placing your friends ad on your blog and your friend also placing yours on his own blog.
3 Friends And Family - I believe your family members will be more than willing to help if they have the capability. But friends, some might help, others may not
4 Retirement Fund - If you are no longer working, you can process and collect your retirement fund and use part of it for your business.
5 Donors And Partners - You can also look for donors or partners in your community, neighborhood, church or you can approach Organizations.
You can also ask for support from your blog subscribers, commenters and book markers.
6 Savings - You can use part of your savings for your business whether you are working or not.
7. Loan - People talk about loans but I don't agree with them. If you get a loan and you don't make enough money, how will you pay back?
If the interest on the Loan is little and you know you can pay back even if you don't make much from your business, then go ahead.
A new Business needs time before it can start making lots of money.
8 Social Media - You can raise fund too on social media.
9 Job - You can decide to get a job and save money. Its even better if you have a job and start the online business once you have enough money. Once the Business starts making enough money, then you can resign and face your business.
10 Google - There is s a program called Google Ad Grants . Google offers grants to qualified non- profit Organizations. They offer this in form of a continuous advert at no cost to the Organization.
The advert is worth $10,000 monthly. The non profit Organization's country must be from the list of eligible countries. To check if your country is eligible, visit Google Ad Grants
Remember to protect yourself and protect your Business too. If you decide to sell shares and theirs altogether are more than yours, you will be in serious trouble. If you have like 30% and they have 70% of the shares, they can decide you shouldn't t be the CEO and can replace you. Protect yourself and your business.
Before approaching Organizations or Individuals for help, you must prepare your Business plan and document it because they will ask questions especially Organizations. Organizations will only want to invest in a viable Business.
After you get the free financial assistance, you need to give something back in return like a free product or service just to show your appreciation.
Don't forget to support me with $1 or more to save lives. Please pay to Skrill.com Pay by email to derinayeni.com
Thanks a lot
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